Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Neighborly Brinner

In this crazy life that keeps us all so busy.. I try to pretend we live in a small town with neighbors down the road. These neighbors can pop by any time they want and spontaneous dinners are served...

Ok, so this isn't exactly the case - but we do have our neighbors - Rian, Meghan and Wallace! We live just down the road from each other and Meghan and I decided it was time to be more neighborly.. so we have a monthly dinners.

I hosted the most recent neighbor dinner and the theme was breakfast or "brinner" as Rian calls it. Everyone had to wear their pj's.. even Wallace. We loaded up on Paula Deen's ridiculously dessert-y french toast.

Neighbors are the best!

A neighborly "brinner"

In our pj's!

Listening to Christmas music and sipping peppermint mocha coffee!

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